What is the lifespan of an average prelit tree?


How long can you expect your prelit Christmas tree to last?

Prelit trees are known to last very long. Much longer than their natural counterparts. But just how long do they actually last? I mean, if you were to get a prelit tree this Christmas, how long should you expect them to last? Should you prepare to get another one next year or the following year?

Well, it all depends!

Proper set up and set down of prelit Christmas trees, as well as great storage, are all factors that can affect the duration of a prelit tree. Take real trees for instance. A real Christmas tree lasts between four and six weeks when properly cared for. If your tree is not adequately hydrated or is placed in an environmentally stressful situation (for example, too close to a heating source or pre-cut and frozen for weeks before you bring it home), then it may dry out faster, increasing its likelihood of catching fire.

Tips for extending the life of your prelit tree

The best way to keep your tree hydrated longer is with water (and only water). The Purdue University Forestry and Natural Resources states that 7′ trees can drink up to two quarts of water per day in their first two weeks after being cut down, and that adding preservatives or additives will not add life to the tree.

The average lifespan of an artificial tree is six years; however, most Americans plan to keep their trees for ten years. Consider researching the company and product quality before making your purchase. In addition to their long lifespans, artificial trees often include a one to ten-year warranty. Verify with the retailer what exactly is covered as some warranties are more thorough than others. Around 10 years is the average life expectancy of artificial trees. You can protect the tree from dust and insects while it’s being stored by purchasing a tree bag.